About Us
Real Pretty Kind formed as a notion before Miss C started school. My daughter in complete, joyous kid mode. Unaffected. Naturally high on life. The sort of energy you want to bottle.
I had this ambitious (maybe mad) idea then, on the cusp of her turning tween, that if you created a product for kids her age that shared that same energy – that made them feel that feeling; made the makers feel that feeling; invested into causes that saw their purchase empower their mates; and pay it forward into the future they’ll step into – well wouldn’t that be something?!
And so a tee that empowers the wearer, their friends, the makers, and planet was born. And the rest as they say, is history.
RPK’s idea that’s bigger than Miss C and me. Something parents and tweens can get behind and own too. And feel proud of.
‘Cos About Us is really About You. It always was.